Tuesday, July 1, 2014


We tried to take family pictures with a photographer the other day. What a disaster. Not the photographer. She was fabulous. Maddy has proven she hates posing for professional pictures before. The last time we took her, we got 3 or 4 decent pictures out of 40. None of the 3 or 4 had her smiling. This time, she screamed and/or whined for an hour and a half. We taking pictures at a nature trail. We got a few good ones there. Between Dave and I we were able to distract Maddy for short bursts and get her to smile. But the reprieve was always short-lived.

We decided maybe Maddy would be more comfortable at home in our backyard. We were wrong. The whining and freaking out continued. *sigh* I was convinced we would have nothing to work with. As she was leaving, the photographer said she thought there was enough there to work with. She also noted that Photoshop could work miracles and that most of those perfect pictures you see online are all photoshop. I knew she was probably right, but I still had my doubts.

I was pleasantly surprised when I got our cd of pictures. There were some fabulous pictures. In fact, I got a little crazy ordering canvases. I can't wait until I get them. Massive props to Tracie and Chris at Thousand Words Photography for getting these amazing photos.