Monday, February 3, 2014

Communication Conundrum

One of the most frustrating issues we face with Maddy is communication. Maddy is essentially non-verbal. The words she does use don't necessarily help us understand her needs and wants. We've tried to get her to use sign language for the basics. Signs for more, milk, please and thank you among them. Until recently, Maddy had no interest in using the signs. We could occasionally get her to use the sign for more, but only with a lot of frustration on everyone's behalf.

We've discussed going the picture route (having pictures of everyday items like a milk cup, etc for Maddy to bring to us or point to when she wants something). I'm not sure how successful that will be, as Maddy can't or won't point at things very often.

In the last month or so, it's like a light bulb has turned on. Maddy has been using the sign for more all the time. It's actually getting to the point that she uses the sign for more for everything, whether she's really asking for more, or just wants something in general. Sometimes I'm not really sure if she's signing or clapping, as she doesn't do the sign exactly the proper way. It's a start.

I can't tell you how frustrating it is to know you're child wants or needs something and not be able to figure out what that something is. Maddy still defaults toward whining to indicate she wants something, but there are times when the sign comes first. I have to admit, those times are pretty rewarding.

The latest communication for Maddy has come in the form of bye bye. She now enthusiastically waves both hands to say bye bye. She also blows kisses. Not without sound effects of course, but it comes out more as boo boo than smacking sounds. Now that she has learned the effect of said kisses, she tries to use them to get her way all the time. Which is adorable. (I might be biased on this one.)

*Here's a link to a great video dictionary for American Sign Language (ASL) if you are interested in learning more about signing.